Masterclass by Renato Bruson
Promoted by Fondazione Cariparma and Teatro Regio di Parma, aimed at opera singers between 25 and 35 years of age.
Deadline for applications: 30th July. Selection process on 14th September.
Teatro Regio di Parma from 15 September to 3 October 2015
Fondazione Cariparma and Teatro Regio di Parma promote a master class to be held by Maestro Renato Bruson on the theme Francesco Paolo Tosti and Italian vocal chamber music. As part of its sponsorship of significant cultural and educational activities, Fondazione Cariparma provides young opera singers with the opportunity to study and explore the rich and fascinating repertoire of Italian vocal music chamber.
This master class is realised with the sponsorship from Istituto Nazionale Tostiano di Ortona and features Raffaele Cortesi as a collaborator pianist; it is a precious opportunity offered for free and aimed at opera singers between 25 and 35 years of age, which is to be held at Teatro Regio di Parma from 15th September to 3rd October 2015. After the master class, participants will perform in a concert on Monday 5th October 2015.
Application forms shall be sent via mail and online no later than 30th July 2015. Participants to the master class will be selected at the incontestable discretion of maestro Bruson during an audition that will take place at Teatro Regio di Parma on 14th September 2015 at 10:00 am. All applicants shall pay a registration fee which will be refunded to the applicants who will be present at the selection process on the selection day.
Tel. (+39) 0521 203911 –
The master class is free and is aimed at young opera singers of either sex and between 25 and 35 of age on 15th September 2015. It is to be held at Teatro Regio di Parma from 15 September to 3rd October 2015. After the master class, participants will perform in a concert on Monday 5th October 2015.
1 – Application
The application form is attached to the present regulations; the requested personal data shall be filled in legibly and in capitals. The applicant’s signature at the end of the application form shall be considered as the applicant’s acceptance of these regulations.
2 – Registration fee
The registration fee for the master class is € 50.00 to be paid to:
Teatro Regio di Parma
CARIPARMA CREDIT AGRICOLE – Via Università 1 – 43121 Parma – Italy
ABI 06230 – CAB 12700 – CIN J – N° C/C: 000036129650
IBAN: IT24 J 06230 12700 000036129650
Reason for payment: Cauzione Iscrizione Masterclass Bruson [Bruson
master class application deposit] – see paragraph 5.
The registration fee will be refunded only to the applicants who will be present at the selection process on the selection day.
3 – Date of selection
Applicants shall be present for selection on 14th September 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Teatro Regio di Parma.
4 – Selection and admission
Admission to the master class as a student is subject to the result of a selection process at the incontestable discretion of Maestro Renato Bruson. During the audition, as required by Maestro Bruson, the applicant shall perform the three freely chosen arias – see paragraph 6 –, two of which shall be by Francesco Paolo Tosti and one shall be a piece of chamber music by another author.
5 – Documents to be enclosed with application
1) receipt for the payment of € 50.00 (registration fee);
2) photocopy of a valid photographic ID;
3) two recent ID photos signed on the back side;
4) photocopy of the applicant’s diploma of studies as indicated in the application form. The following diplomas shall be regarded as valid:
a) Diploma di Conservatorio (Conservatoire/Academy of Music diploma);
b) Diploma di Scuola di Canto (Singing School/Academy diploma);
c) Should the applicant have studied with a private teacher, he/she shall enclose a declaration signed by the teacher himself/herself.
The deadline for application forms, duly signed and including all relevant documents, is 30th July 2015, under penalty of voidness. It shall be sent to:
– by mail to: Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma – Ilaria Pucci – Direzione di produzione – strada Garibaldi, 16/A – 43121 Parma, Italy.
– by e-mail to:
6 – Selection of the three freely chosen compositions
In their application forms – see paragraph 1 – applicants shall indicate the titles of the three chosen compositions they will perform during the selection. Two of these compositions will be by Francesco Paolo Tosti and one will be a piece of chamber music by another author. Applicants are required to bring two copies of the scores of the selected compositions.
7 – Audition and selection
The list of participants to to the master class will be communicated after the selection, which will be carried out at the incontestable discretion of Maestro Renato Bruson.
8 – Certificates and award
During the final concert of Monday 5th October 2015, participants to the master class will receive a certificate of attendance from the organisers.
On the same evening, Maestro Bruson will present the ‘Renato Bruson 2015’ award, set up by the Maestro himself in 2002, to the participant who, at the Maestro’s incontestable discretion, will have followed the master class course with special commitment and diligence, and show outstanding vocal and performing skills.
9 – Television filming and radio recordings
In the event of any web, television, radio filming and/or broadcasting, whether partial or complete, the participant shall grant his/her rights free of charge, and waive any financial claim.
10 – Possible exclusion from the selection
Applicants whose application forms shall not meet the criteria defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the regulations will be excluded from the selection, but they will retain their rights to the return of their documents and the refund of the registration fees.