

Festival Verdi Journal

The new annual magazine dedicated to Festival Verdi, with original images and illustrations, essays, and discussions by Verdi scholars of the highest calibre.
Printed in two editions, Italian and English, by the Teatro Regio di Parma, the Festival Verdi Journal is a project of the Scientific Committee for Festival Verdi. 


The Festival Verdi Journal is officially on sale. The new annual publication dedicated to the upcoming edition of Festival Verdi, edited by Alessandro Roccatagliati with illustrations by Davide Forleo, has been produced by the Teatro Regio di Parma in two distinct editions, Italian and English. The Festival Verdi Journal is a project of the Scientific Committee for Festival Verdi, directed by Francesco Izzo.

Francesco Izzo and Alessandro Roccatagliati explain: “We have created an annual which collects essays introducing the four operas on the programme, written by scholars of the highest international standing. Having ensured scholarly substance, rigour and timeliness, we have imagined a journal whose register and visual appearance are far removed from those of academic periodicals, and seek to engage the reader with a friendly and direct approach, much like a magazine”.

This is the profile of the FVJournal, a magazine that each year, through its engaging and comprehensive  essays, provides insight into the operas’ diverse themes using original images and illustrations. It offers its readers the opportunity to broaden their own knowledge of the operas and the context in which they are set, enriching their understanding of the aural and visual concepts, rendering the live experience even more satisfying. At the heart of the first edition of the FVJournal are the operas in the programme for Festival Verdi 2018: Macbeth, Un giorno di regno, Le Trouvère, and Attila, with articles by Fabrizio Della Seta, Anselm Gerhard, Michele Girardi, Helen M. Greenwald, Francesco Izzo, David Lawton, Alessandro Roccatagliati, Antonio Rostagno, and Claudio Toscani.

The FVJournal was printed in advance in January for the presentation of Festival Verdi 2018 and distributed at the various international promotional road show locations. It helps the public prepare well in advance for the autumn festival, with new insights into the operas in the programme.
Furthermore, itallows admirers of Verdi to delve into the varied and numerous themes related to his operas. FVJournal devotes two articles to each opera, accompanied by extensive artwork: the first article is broader and introductory, reconstructing the origins of the opera and focusing on the important dramaturgical and musical aspects whereas the second is dedicated to specific themes, exploring topics such as literary sources, cultural context, and politics.

The magazine, which is illustrated with original artwork produced for each opera by a commissioned artist, has invited Davide Forleo to take charge of the inaugural edition. Having overseen the entire graphic layout, Forleo invites the reader to reflect on the visual aspects and staging through to a substantial collection of commented images, including period reproductions and recent stage photos.

“This is a special edition of Festival Verdi – explains Anna Maria Meo, General Manager of the Teatro Regio di Parma – it is turning eighteen, and for its coming of age the Festival is giving itself a gift which will be shared with all Verdi enthusiasts throughout the world. In inaugurating its own publication, that will be distributed internationally, it will also create a further tool to promote our activities. In the age of social networks and virtual communication, I like to think that ink and paper still have a profound meaning and important role to play, creating space for reflection and bearing witness to our experiences of recent years.





How buy

The FVJournal can be purchased for €15.00, in cash or with credit card, from the box office, the bookshop and from the tour guide desk at the Teatro Regio di Parma. It is also available for purchase online, through PayPal or Bank Transfer, after sending an email to fvjournal@teatroregioparma.it specifying the number of copies ordered, the address and the type of delivery (Italy only). The types and shipping costs, charged to the recipient, are available here.



FVJOURNAL 1/2018 Credits

Edited by Alessandro Roccatagliati
€ 15.00
Teatro Regio di Parma, 2018, Parma
128 pages – format 21 x 29.7
Paperback, with illustrations
Printed by Grafiche Step, Parma
Italian Edition. ISBN-978-88-942798-0-1
English Edition ISBN-978-88-942798-2-5

Info: Edizioni Teatro Regio di Parma
Tel. +39 0521 203969 – stampa@teatroregioparma.it

Edizioni del Teatro Regio di Parma
Area Comunicazione, Promozione, Editoria, Stampa

Edited by Alessandro Roccatagliati

Design concept Davide Forleo, Paolo Maier

Illustrations and layout Davide Forleo

English language supervison Francesco Izzo

Translation from the Italian original (papers by Della Seta, Girardi, Toscani, Gerhard, Rostagno) Richard Carr

For their help in finding the pictures, besides the coordinators of the research Dario De Micheli e Alessia Tavarone, we would like to thank:

Emanuele Senici, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”; Michela Crovi, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani; Sara Zago, Ufficio
Stampa del Teatro Regio di Torino; Salzburger Festspiele; Bettina Auge, Zürich Opernhaus; Carla Monni, Ufficio Stampa
Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna; Elena Fumagalli, Archivio photografico Teatro alla Scala di Milano; Melanie Leung,
Coordinator, image requests, Folger Shakespeare Library.

Un giorno di regno
Pierluigi Ledda, Managing Director Archivio Storico Ricordi; Cristiano Ostinelli, General Manager Casa Ricordi; Samuel Lowry,
Director of Audience Development, Sarasota Opera Festival; Mona Barth del Stadttheater Bremerhaven; Marilena Lafornara,
Fondazione Paolo Grassi; Festival della Valle d’Itria; Jeff Clarke, Artistic Director, Opera della Luna; Natalia Fuhrydel,
Heidenheimer Festspiele; April Thibeault, Odyssey Opera Boston.

Le Trouvère
Bibliothèque nationale de France; Karen C. Zigmand, Office Manager Pendragon Press; Daphne Lagraauw,
Dutch National Opera and Ballet; Mike Markiewicz, Arena Pal; Elena Fumagalli,
Archivio photografico Teatro alla Scala di Milano; Royal Opera House;
Verena Kögler, Publications and Communication Office, Staatstheater Nürnberg; Camille Philippot,
Théâtre La Monnaie; Adina Nicolae, Publications Office, Bayerische Staatsoper München; Antonio Bagnoli,
Managing Director, Pendragon Press.

Eleonora Benassi, Archivio Storico del Teatro Regio di Parma – Servizio Casa della Musica;
Antonella Imolesi, Responsabile Fondi Antichi, Manoscritti e Raccolte Piancastelli, Biblioteca Comunale “A. Saffi” di Forlì; Carla
Monni,Ufficio Stampa Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna; Valentina Fanelli,
Archivio Storico ed Audiovisuale Fondazione Teatro dell’Opera di Roma; Luciana Dallari,
Responsabile Marketing-Servizi generali Fondazione Arturo Toscanini di Parma; Elena Fumagalli,
Archivio photografico Teatro alla Scala di Milano.

The publishers remain available for questions relating to any omissions in the sources of the illustrations.
Printed in January 2018 by
Grafiche STEP – Parma
ISBN 978-88-942798-2-5
© Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma
Strada Giuseppe Garibaldi 16A, 43121 Parma – Italia
All rights reserved
Reproduction prohibited



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